Facts about Dokdo
Dokdo Address
1 through 96 Dokdo-ri Ulleung-eup Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea (101 lots)Postal : 799-805
Dokdo is the easternmost territory of Korea and situated 87.4km to the southeast of Ulleungdo Island and 216.8km to the east of Jukbeon of the East Coast.
As it is 157.5km to the northwest of Oki Island of Shimane Prefecture of Japan, Japan cannot see Dokdo from Oki Island when we can see Dokdo from Ulleungdo Island on a clear day.
Dokdo has been created by volcanic activities.
It is not one island, but consists of two large islands Dongdo and Seodo and 89 small islands around them.
Dokdo's coordinates are 131˚52'10.4" East Longitude and 37˚14'26.8" North Latitude for Dongdo and 131˚5'54.6" East Longitude and 37˚14'30.6" North Latitude for Seodo.
Dokdo is
the easternmost territory of Koreathat is 87.4km to the southeast of UlleungdoIsland of Korea and 157.5km to the northwestof Oki Island of Japan.
Dokdo is 187,554㎡ (Dongdo: 73,297㎡; Seodo: 88,740㎡; Other Islands: 25,517㎡) and is a government-owned land (owned by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs).The strait between Dongdo and Seodo is 151m in width, 330m in length, and about 10m in depth.
Dongdo, the southeastern part of Dokdo, has most of the maritime facilities, including Manned Light House.Dongdo is 98.6m in height, 2.8km in ircumference, and 73,297㎡ in area. The longer side extends about 450m to northeast at a 60° grade and the center is a vertical hole that is depressed down to the surface of water.
Seodo, the northwestern part, is 168.5m in height, 2.6km in circumference, and 88,740㎡ in area.The longer side extends about 450m longitudinally and the shorter side is about 300m latitudinally.Seodo's peak is a steep cone. Seodo's major facility is Fisherman's Lodge.
Natural Environment
Topography and Geology
Dokdo is a volcanic island that is formed by lava which erupted about 2,000m underwater. It was formed between the early and the late Pliocene in the 3rd phase of the Cenozoic Era, between about 4.6 million to about 2.5 million years ago. Considering that Ulleungdo Island was formed about 2.5 million years ago, Dokdo is about 2 million years older than Ulleungdo Island.Dongdo preserves two old volcanic craters and has a relatively flat peak, whereas Seodo has a sharp, cone-shaped peak.Its geology is alkali volcanic rocks, especially basalt and trachyte. The soil is residual soil which has weathered from the peak of mountain and very steep with over 30° grade. The soil is sandy loam in dark or reddish brown color.
Dokdo’s climate is typical oceanic climate that is largely influenced by temperate current. Dokdo’s average temperature is around 12°C. The average temperature of the coldest season (January) is 1°C and that of the hottest season (August) is 23°C. Dokdo is generally very windy and the average wind velocity is 4.3m/s. The wind blows from southwest in summer and from northeast in winter.Dokdo is often foggy and has 160 or more cloudy days in a year. Also, it rains about 150 days in a year. About 85% of the days in a year are either cloudy or rainy/snowy to make this region relatively moist. It rains about 1,240mm a year. In winter,it snows very often and heavily.With strong sea wind and infertile rocky soil, not many plants can survive in Dokdo. It is where migratory birds stop by or rest for a while on their way to the final destination. It is biologically and geographically very important and allows us to study the history and distribution of biological organisms in Korea.
People of Dokdo
Currently, population in Dokdo is three. They are Seong-do Kim, the captain of Ship Dokdo, his wife Sin Yeol Kim, and Bu-kyeong Pyeon. Seong-do Kim and his wife moved to Seodo on November 17, 1991 and have been making a living by catching fish.Their current address is 20-2 Dokdo-ri Ulleung-eup Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Poet Bu-kyeong Pyeon moved to Dokdo on November 19, 2003.Seong-do Kim has been living in Seodo since the 1970s as a crew of Captain Jong Duk Choi, the first resident of Dokdo (Ship Deokjin, 2.22 tons). As a crew, he made a living by gathering seafood and catching fish. When Choi died in 1987, Kim began to operate his own ships (Ship Myeongseong, 2.08 tons; Ship Buyeong, 1.5 ton) and settled in Seodo. He eventually moved his permanent address to the current address in 1991.Jong Duk Choi was the first registered resident of Dokdo. As a resident of Ulleungdo Island, he moved to Dokdo in March 1965 to gather seafood in the common fishing ground of Dodong. He began modernizing facilities in May 1968.When Japan began to claim their ownership of Dokdo in 1980, he moved his permanent address to Dokdo on October 14, 1981, saying, "I will show them that a Korean is living in Dokdo."His address was San-67 Dodong-ri Ulleung-eup Ulleung-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. He established an underwater storage and developed abalone fertilization method and a special fishing net. Also, he discovered a spring called Mulgol in the heart of Seodo. He tried hard to develop Dokdo until he passed away on September 23, 1987.Choi's son-in-law, Jun Gi Cho moved into his home on July 8, 1986. Then, he moved to San-63 on February 9, 1991. He lived there until he moved to Donghae of Gangwon-do on March 31, 1994. Other registered residents of Dokdo who have lived in Dokdo include Jong Chan Choi ('91.6.2 ~'93.6.7), Byung Kwon Kim ('93.1.6~'94.11.7), Sung Woon Hwang ('93.1.7~'94.12.26), and Sang Bo Jun ('94.10.4~'94.12.18).There are only three people who actually live in Dokdo, 2,051people of 613 households have moved their permanent addresses to Dokdo (as of 2007) through the 'National Dokdo Permanent Address Registration Movement' as we found out Japan was trying to register Dokdo as their land in 1999.
Living Facilities
Currently, Dongdo has securities and lighthouse management in and Seodo has the private home of Seong-do Kim and his wife. These are other fundamental facilities and infrastructures in these two islands.
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries invested about KRW 17.7 billion in Dongdo on November 7, 1997 to establish the 80m-long main harbor, 20m-long sub-harbor, and Dokdo dock with the 137m-long entryway.
◀ Mountment (The commemorative monument has the following engraving)
Our breaths have calmed the angry waves of the eastern end of Korea and we planted the spirit of Korea in Dokdo.
Dongdo's major structure is Dokdo Manned Lighthouse, watched lighthouse. The automated lighthouse of Dokdo was first converted into a watched lighthouse in August 1954. In December 1998, the lighting capacity extended to 25 miles to guide the ships that catch fish or sail by Dokdo.
Seodo's Fisherman's Lodge was established by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fishery in 1997.Fisherman's Lodge supported fishery activities and academicresearchers in Dokdo and was used to evacuate and accommodate fisherman and maritime workers.However, it was difficult to access because there was no dock in the island and it was severely damaged by Typhoon Maemi in 2003. Seodo's Fisherman's Lodge and docks were repaired in October 2005. The building's construction was rebuilt from 2009 until May 2011, expanding it to a 373.14㎡ four-story building. It was born once again as residential house. Currently village head of Dokdo, Seong-do Kim, and his wife live in this building along with the officials of the Dokdo administration office in Ulleung-gun.
Value as Fish Tank
Offshore Fish Tank of Dokdo
The biggest source of income is migratory fishes, such as salmon, trout, codfish, Alaskan Pollack, pacific saury, squid, and shark. When it is squid season in winter, squid gathering lights brightly light up the seas of Dokdo every night.
The underwater reefs grow much kelp, brown seaweed, spiny turban shells, and abalone and serve as an important source of income. According to the 1981 Study of Professor In Kyu Lee of Seoul National University Department of Botany:Dokdo’s underwater vegetation is similar to those of the South Sea, Jejudo Island, other tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and even the Mediterranean, but is very unique that it can be divided into a separate ecosystem.
Dokdo as the Fishery Base of the East Sea
Major Fishing Grounds of Dokdo Offshores
The offshores and Daehwa Bank of Ulleungdo Island and Dokdo are where cool and warm currents interchange and form great fishing grounds.
This place is the fishery base of the East Sea that is full of various species of seafood, including squid. The size of catch from this region determines the prices of seafood in Korean market.
Characteristics of Dokdo’s Fishing Grounds
- Clean waters
- Where cool and warm currents interchange
- Many species of seafood caught near Ulleungdo and Dokdo
Geological Value
Dokdo is the world's geological heritage
As mentioned above,Dokdo is a volcanic island that was formed during the Pliocene in the 3rd phase of the Cenozoic Era, between about 4.6 million to about 2.5 million years ago. Thus, Dokdo is much older than Ulleungdo Island (about 2.5 million-10,000 years ago) and Jejudo Island (about 1.2 million-10,000 years ago). Considering its age, Dokdo is like a big brother to Ulleungdo and Jejudo. If 'The waters of East Sea dry up and the soils of Mt. Baekdu blow away,' as the Korean Anthem sings, Dokdo would no longer be a small rock island, but the tip of a massive mountain that is about 2,000 in height.Geologically, Dokdo is a volcanic island that is formed by lava from underwater volcanic eruptions of the East Sea.Originally, Dongdo and Seodo were not divided as they are today.
Geologically, Dokdo is a volcanic island that is formed by lava from underwater volcanic eruptions of the East Sea.
Through millions of years, the rock island has been eroded and weathered by waves and winds.Marine erosion of waves: Marine erosion has formed sharp and steep sea cliffs. In addition, Seodo has formed wave-cut platforms on the north and west shores.With its unique geological structure, Dokdo is geographically very important.Dokdo is the collection of rocks that is composed of tracyte, andesite, and intrusive rocks. These rocks are formed when pillow lava and cataclastic breccia, the residues broken by fast cooling, pile up underwater and explode near the surface of water to meet the atmosphere. Dokdo is a rare example of underwater mountain that is exposed above the surface of water.Due to maritime erosion and sedimentation, it is very difficult for these maritime creations to retain their original shapes. However, Dokdo is the world's geological heritage that clearly shows how this underwater mountain has evolved.Dokdo has been certified as the first national geological park with Ulleungdo and Jejudo by the Korean Ministry of Environment on December 2012 because of its unique geological structure. The Ministry of Environment has designated 4 geological sites on Dokdo that hold significance and have geographic and educational value, and also has managed and preserved its territory to promote tourism and development of regional economies.
Underground Resources
Dokdo is an invaluable fishing ground that has infinite values as the fishery base of the East Sea.
There is a layer of natural gas around Dokdo.Professor W.H. Baek of Gyeongsang National University Department Chemistry, who was studying at Russia Science Center of Inorganic Chemistry Lab, received a gift from Researcher Kuznetsov in December 1997. It was a map that was clearly marking a point in the East Sea as the possible source of Gas Hydrate.'Gas Hydrate' is the solid state of natural gas whose major substance is methane. It is a critical source of energy that is tens of times greater than the existing sources of natural gas and an instructive resource that tells us where petroleum resource might be buried.When Professor Baek revisited Russia in May 1998, he asked Researcher Kuznetsov for more detailed information about Gas Hydrate of the East Sea. Then, Researcher Kuznetsov gave him a meaningful response: 『I cannot disclose that information because of our policies. I hear that Japan is constantly claiming its ownership of Dokdo, am I right?』. Shin-Donga tells a very shocking story about this issue:"The major reason why Japan has recklessly claimed that Dokdo is their territory because of the East Sea abundant maritime resources." Although there is an enormous amount of Gas Hydrate undiscovered, only Russia is developing it for commercial purposes because Korea does not have advanced technologies yet. Japan has accumulated much information on Hydrate and began exploring the Nankai Trough in November 1999.
Protect Dokdo's economic values... It is necessary for the Korea Goverment to understand why Japan is constantly claiming Dokdo to protect Dokdo and its economic values.
In 1997, Korea was the 6th largest consumer and 4th largest importer of crude oil in the world. However, Korea purchases 97.8% of energy resources from abroad (Shin-Donga, September 1998, The 1997 Report of the Energy and Economy Research Center). Thus, Korean Government has explored seven underwater mining spots in the 300,000㎢ continental shelf since 1970. Although they did not have enough economic values, layers of gas were discovered in central waters of the East Sea in 1989 and 1993. On July 27, 1998, an incomparably great layer of natural gas was found in the continental shelf about 50km to the southeast of Ulsan.
It is highly possible that Dokdo's nearby waters have maritime petroleum resources that are enormously valuable.
It is necessary for the Korean Government to recognize the economic value of Dokdo's surrounding seas and understand why Japan is constantly claiming Dokdo to protect Dokdo and its economic values. However, underwater resources are not the only value of Dokdo. Dokdo is the fishery base of the East Sea.As we have recognized the possible presence of petroleum in the surrounding seas of Dokdo, we must be careful to make multiperspective approaches to developing Dokdo.Ulleungdo Island and Dokdo have heavenly tourism resources. Considering that they are located in the center of the East Sea, they have the potentials to be developed as the tourism hub of the East Sea Rim. As of today, 17 species of fowls have been recorded in Dokdo. However, about 22 species have been observed. The largest flocks are streaked shearwater, storm-petrel (Hydrobatidae), and black-tailed gull. These birds are only found in Northeast Asia. To protect their valuable habitats, Korea designated 34 lots around San-42 Dodong-ri Ulleung-eup Ulleung-gun (178,781㎡) as Natural Monument No. 336 (Bird Habitat) on November 16, 1982. When this region is developed for tourists, it is important to both preserve and develop the environment.
Economic Value
In December 1970, the UN Assembly adopted a resolution that the deep-sea floor resources that exist outside the territories of coastal states. The organizations and procedures were determined in 1973 to enact the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, containing 320 provisions and nine supplementary agreements, in April 1982. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea stipulates provisions concerning closed sea and adjacent zone, international straits, island nations, exclusive economic zone, continental shelf, high seas, islands, continental nations, international deep-sea floor, protection of maritime environments, scientific investigation of maritime resources, development and transfer of maritime technologies, and arbitration of related disputes.Compared to the traditional maritime systems, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea specifies six critical issues concerning innocent passage, transit passage, archipelago waters, the exclusive economic zone (EEZ), continental shelf, and deep-sea floor.
The Convention limits the closed sea to 12 nautical milesand accepts foreign vossels' right of innocent passage in the closed sea.
The closed sea is the area where the nearest coastal state practices exclusive jurisdiction and admits foreign vessels' right of innocent passage. Coastal states generally practices exclusive jurisdiction with rights to practice police rights and tariffs, but the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea admits the right of innocent passage. With the right of innocent passage, foreign vessels can pass the closed sea unless they threaten coastal states?peace and security. In case of submarines, they must come up to the surface and display the national flag in order to pass the closed sea.
The Convention introduces the new concept of transit passagefor international sailors that pass straits.
As the closed sea has greatly expanded in width, international sailors’ freedom to sail through international straits that are up to 24 nautical miles. Therefore, the Convention created the concept of transit passage to guarantee third state vessels’ travel through international straits. Transit passage guarantees more freedom of sailors than the right of innocent passage in the closed sea. Therefore, coastal states with straits cannot interfere with transit passage under any causes. Unlike the right of innocent passage in the closed sea, transit passage authorizes airplanes to pass through. Submarines can also pass without emerging onto the surface.
The Convention admits archipelago waters. This guarantees militarysecurity and economic benefit of states comprising of several islands.
In case of Philippines and Indonesia that are made up of several islands in the middle of the seas, the outermost islands are connected in straight lines to determine the range of the closed sea, rather than marking the closed sea around each island. However, archipelago waters have limits as well.Foreign vessels are given transit cards to pass archipelago waters as they would pass international straits with transit passage, but archipelago waters are not admitted for islands that are not independent states as themselves or for states that are only partially made up of islands.
The Convention legally admits the 200-nautical-mileexclusive economic zone(EEZ).
The EEZ was first declared by certain South American nations after the Truman Declaration of 1945 to dominate the maritime resources of their surrounding waters. It is considered the symbol of coastal states’ expansion of exclusive jurisdiction.This system was adopted as the arbitration between costal states that insisted expansion of the closed sea up to 200 nautical miles and advanced countries that opposed. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea admits coastal states’ exclusive rights to underwater resources, underground resources, development/preservation of resources, and prevention of contamination up to 200 nautical miles from the start of the closed sea. However, third state vessels (both ships and aircrafts) have the freedom to pass the EEZ as they would the high sea.
the Convention broadens the definition of continental shelf outsidethe limited geological concept.
In the past, continental shelf was defined up to 200m underwater or any depth that allows development of underwater resources based on its geological concept. However, the Convention defines continental shelf as the outer rim of continental margin, the natural extension of continental territories, or 200 nautical miles from the start of the closed sea should the continental margin not reach 200 nautical miles.
The Treaty is also characterized by its regulation on deep-sea floor.
The Convention applied the concept of world heritage to deep-sea floor and mineral resources outside the exclusive jurisdiction of coastal states. Therefore, the International Sea-bed Authority was established to steer exploration and development of deep-sea floor. However, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea does not solve all maritime issues just because it was universally supported. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea fails to clarify maritime issues that are widely controversial in the world. Also, it excludes certain types of disputes from enforcement jurisdiction and might lead to various international conflicts.
Political/Social Value
Since the emergence of Hashimoto Ryutaro Administration, Japan has reinforced the 「Expansion」 policy and tends to deny that the historical invasion policy and war were unlawful.Japan insists that its attempt to take over Dokdo in 1905 is justified by the International Law.?This implies that Japan believes its plundering the diplomatic rights of the Korean Empire in October 1905 and the territories of Korea in 1910 is also justified by the International Law of that time.Japanese politicians and the Japanese Democratic Party are constantly making thoughtless remarks and even declare 「Acquisition of Dokdo」 as a public pledge in election campaigns.The fact that Japan listed 「peaceful realization」 of Dokdo ownership as one of their diplomatic goals in 1997 shows that the Japanese Government has succeeded the old imperialistic policies and established the neo-imperialistic diplomatic policies.Why does the Korean Government not take strong positions to protect Dokdo? A Korean diplomat once said, 『Japan's public pledge and policies are just declared to prevent social conflicts and we would better not be too sensitive about it.』The diplomatic officials of Korea and Japan had promised not to mention ownership of Dokdo at the Korea-Japan Summit Talk in Betbu, but Prime Minister Hashimoto of Japan broke this promise.
According to the historical records of Korea and Japan, it is 100% certainthat Dokdo is a Korean territory.If Korea has a strong position toward Dokdo, the Government must have more active measures to react.
Furthermore, 10 cars of an organization that supports the Japanese Democratic Party surrounded the Summit Talk site and protested to 「Recover Dokdo (Jukdo in Japanese)」. Certain diplomats in Korea must wake up and face the reality.According to the historical records of Korea and Japan, it is 100% certain that Dokdo is a Korean territory. Many interested scholars in Japan also know this. Korea must be firm and determined concerning ownership issues, such as Dokdo and military sexual slavery. We must confront Japan's expansion policy to correct the serious trade imbalance and block low-quality culture to keep Korea stand firm as an independent state.If Korea has a strong position toward Dokdo, the Government must have more active measures to react. Japan knows that this is not the best time to make Dokdo an issue. This is why Japan is continuously making minimal remarks about its ownership to make this issue a culture. When the time comes, Japan will make a strong clear attempt to conquer Dokdo.
We must protect the territories of Korea that have been inherited by Korean ancestors and must be inherited to the next generations.
When the international society undergoes a great transition and outer states cannot focus on this issue between Korea and Japan, Japan would officially declare that Dokdo and the surrounding waters are Japan's territories' and try to be aggressive to take it over. Then, they would locate the naval forces around Dokdo and confront Korea's naval forces.They would use military capacities to settle the army in Dokdo to conquer it or globally declare that Dokdo is Japan's territory. In this process, Japan would use local fishermen and extreme right organizations to gather public opinions that support their actions. They would also block Korean fishermen and bring Japanese fishermen to start catching fish around Dokdo.In addition, Japan would make decisions to utilize and develop Dokdo in any way they like. They would intentionally ignore the complaints of the Korean Government and people.Japan might justify their action and blame Korea for not being prepared or having stronger power to react (this is true as of today). However, we cannot surrender. We cannot lose the valuable land that has been inherited by our ancestors. We must protect what we have when we cannot have more. In order to do so, we have the determination to beautify and protect our land with our own hands.
Military-Strategic Value
Military Value
Dokdo's military value was clearly demonstrated at the 'Great Sea Battle of the East Sea,' which was the last battle of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.At that time, Japan changed Dokdo's name to Dakeshima(竹島) and put it under the administration of Shimane Prefecture's Okinoshima Island. On January 28, 1905, the Japanese Cabinet Conference forcefully absorbed Dokdo into Japanese territories. Japan was able to defeat the powerful Russian Navy because they built a watchtower in Dokdo on August 19, 1905. The Korean Government has established a communication base in Dokdo to use it as a strategic base. The watchtower in Dokdo allows us to monitor the Pacific Fleet Russia and the movements of naval and air forces of North Korea and Japan and provides us with enough military data for peace and security in Northeast Asia.
Strategic Value
When Japan declared the EEZ to Russia in 1977, they carefully excluded any region that may incur conflicts against Korea and China. In this respect, Japan’s reckless remarks about Dokdo since February 1996 seem to be strongly related to Japan’s political conditions.Japan had restrained any official announcements concerning Dokdo in order to maintain a friendly relationship with Korea. Japan’s sudden change in attitude, however, seems to have some connection with the Hashimoto Ryutaro Administration. When Hashimoto was elected the Prime Minister of Japan, Korea was actually worried about Korea’s diplomatic relationship with Japan.Our worries have become a reality when Hashimoto mentioned Japan’s ownership of Dokdo. In detail, there are four major reasons why Japan is intentionally making Dokdo an issue.
It could be a diplomatic measure based on a long-term strategy.
As Korea is actually administering Dokdo, Japan cannot take over Dokdo right now. However, Japan intends to leave diplomatic records by constantly mentioning this issue. By doing so, Japan wants the world to know that Korea and Japan are fighting over the ownership of Dokdo and intends to make it easier for them to start the real diplomatic dispute when the best time comes.
Japan intends to relate the issue of Dokdo to the Senkaku Islands and the southern islands of the Kurils.
Japan intends to talk about Dokdo in relation to the Senkaku Islands (currently dominated by Japan) and the southern islands of the Kurils (known as Four Northern Islands in Japan; currently dominated by Russia). Japan is disputing against China and Taiwan for the Senkaku Islands and against Russia for the Kurils. By taking a strong position toward Dokdo, Japan can clearly protest against the three other opponents.
Japan mentioned the issue of Dokdo to have advantages when establishing the Exclusive Economic Zone to Korea.
Almost every nation in the world tends to establish their 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zones. In the near future, Korea and Japan would need to begin the negotiations to establish this line between them. Japan is probably using Dokdo as a key to have better outcomes for themselves.
Prime Minister Hashimoto's Cabinet must have brought up this issue for their political needs.
Among the above four reasons, the third and fourth reasons are directly related to the Japanese Government’s stances since February 1996. We should not be relieved just because Korea and Japan jointly hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2002 and the summits had a pleasant talk in Jejudo Island last June 23. Japan’s basic strategy toward Dokdo has not been modified or abolished. This is why the Korean Government and people must stop being too emotional and compulsive, but be prepared in a long-term perspective to protect Dokdo.
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